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Newsletter July #1 2016

This Newsletter reaches over 5,000  IT and Cyber Security professionals weekly: Contact us here for information on partnership & sponsorship opportunities.

Is Edward Snowden Really A Russian Agent?

To anybody acquainted with how Russia's powerful intelligence services operate, the idea that Snowden is their collaborator is hardly controversial. read more


Snowden's Lawyer Wants Obama To Give Him A Pardon

An Element Of Absurdity: Edward Snowden's lawyers have vowed to step up pressure on Barack Obama for a Presidential Pardon. read more


What Might 'Brexit' Mean For Cybersecurity In The UK

While some cybersecurity pros say that Brexit will have little ill-effect on the industry, others are not so sure. read more


US & Israel Agree To Co-operate In Cyber Defense

Real-time operational connectivity through the Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERTS) of both nations. read more


China's  Cyber War Capabilities Alarm The Neighbours

China's cyber war capabilities could change the strategic balance in Asia, eclipsing the potential danger of rising tensions in the South China Sea. read more


Lessons Learned From Major Healthcare Breaches

Huge amounts of personal health data are being collected, shared & analyzed. There are more reasons than ever to worry about patient privacy. read more


How Will IoT Change Banking?

The banking industry is now starting to see the various potential ways in which IoT can help to take it to the next level. read more


Technology Advances Too Fast For Government

The former head of the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) warns that technology is advancing too fast for governments to keep up. read more


IBM Computer To 'Help' Accountants

KPMG Australia has signed a deal with IBM to use the Watson supercomputer to do big company audits. read more


Top 10 Technologies For Information Security

Research firm Gartner have picked the top 10 technologies for information security and their implications for security organizations in 2016. read more


Enhanced Attribution: An Engine To Identify Hackers

DARPA's "Enhanced Attribution Program" will enable US  government agencies to identify hackers, characterize criminals and predict where they will strike next. read more


Ant-Terrorist Strategies For The Digital Revolution (£)

As  analysis reaches deeper behind the recent Paris attacks in 2015, it becomes clear that terrorism today is a widening series of global alliances, assisted and connected via social media & online propaganda. read more

Is The Boom In Ransomware Stabilizing?

The criminal world appears to be fully incorporating ransomware into its business model. read more

Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton & Russian Hackers

Sophisticated hackers are attempting to penetrate the computer networks of all the US Presidential candidates. read more

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