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Newsletter October #4 2016

This Newsletter reaches over 5,000  IT and Cyber Security professionals weekly: Contact us here for information on partnership & sponsorship opportunities.

Artificial Intelligence Will Be A Critical Economic Driver

AI is an increasingly critical technology that can fight cyberattacks, upgrade weapons of war, as well as improve health care and transport systems. read more


Who Is Trying To Disrupt The Internet?

A prolonged Internet outage affecting major sites raises a real concern that this is just a practice run for  more widespread internet disruption. read more


Hackers 'weaponised' Malware To Mount Assault

The huge weekend attack on global Internet access is believed to have been unleashed by hackers using common IoT devices. read more


FBI Begins Using Big Data To  Predict Terrorism

Recent terrorist attacks have quickened the pace for US Law enforcement to use predictive analyitcs and big data mining techniques. read more


US Intelligence Can Prove Russian Presidential Election Interference

Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton has 'no idea' if Russian hackers are interfering in the US Elections, but James Clapper does. read more


Media Vulnerable To Election Night Cyber-Attack

US media organisations have failed to properly protect their newsrooms which are vulnerable to a chaos-creating hack around Election Day. read more


Ecuador Cut WikiLeaks Assange's Internet Connection

Diplomatic Incident: Ecuador fears their London Embassy's unexpected guest is trying to interfere with the US Presidential election. read more


US Banks Face New Demands To Protect Themselves From Hackers

The US Federal Reserve and other US regulators decide to force the biggest financial institutions to plug vulnerabilities against hackers. read more


UK's Financial Centre Suffering Massive Ransomware Attacks

Under Siege: Financial services professionals working in London's international business centre are at the highest risk of receiving ransomware. read more


British Military Is Using Cyber Warfare Against Islamic State

The UK admits using cyber warfare techniques in the fight against Islamic State for control of the Iraqi city of Mosul. read more


All Tesla's Cars Will Have Full Self-Drive

Tesla has announced that all US Tesla cars made from now on will have all the hardware they need on board to achieve full self-driving. read more


Tanks To Have Remote-Control

Generic driverless technology that can work any vehicle with a steering wheel can be applied to armoured vehicles, including tanks. read more

New Virus Attacks All Windows-Based Computers

A new type of malware capable of running on every version of MS Windows that can be detected by only two anti-virus engines. read more

Cyber Security Myths for SMEs (£)

The average cost of a data hack-attack on small & medium sized business is now between $3m - $5m for each attack and the cost is increasing annually. read more

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