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Newsletter March #4 2018

This Newsletter reaches over 5,000  IT and Cyber Security professionals weekly: Contact us here for information on partnership & sponsorship opportunities.

Cambridge Analytica Claim To Sway Elections With Facebook Data

If Cambridge Analytica can sway elections using a relatively small subset of Facebook’s data, what can Facebook do with the full set? read more


Millions Of Facebook Profiles Were ‘Harvested’ In US Election Breach

50m Facebook profiles were collected and analysed for the Trump campaign by Cambridge Analytica in a huge data breach. read more


The Growing Threat Of Russian Cyber Reprisals On Britain

UK Banks, energy & water companies are on maximum alert over the threat of a serious cyber attack from Russia following an assassination attempt. read more


US Accuses Russia Of Attacking Energy Supply

The US has accused Russia of a wide-ranging cyber assault on its energy grid and other key parts of its critical infrastructure. read more


How AI Has Conquered Democracy

Big Data analysis can maximise the effectiveness of an election campaign and use of AI techniques in politics is not going away anytime soon. read more


On Twitter Fake News Gets More Traction Than Truth

MIT scientists find evidence that Fake News spreads farther, faster, deeper and more broadly than the Truth in all information categories. read more


North Korea's Cyber Soldiers Are Concealed Abroad

Defectors from N. Korea reveal the nation's hackers are in fact mostly based outside the country to give the regime enhanced deniability. read more


Blockchain: What Business Executives Need To Know

Everyone serious about business and enterprise should have at least a basic understanding of how blockchain technology works and what it can do. read more


Dutch Intelligence Agency Pinpoints Cyberattacks

The AIVD reports that attempts at digital espionage and online political manipulation in the EU are on the rise both in number and complexity. read more


Dark Web Fraud Undetectable By Police

Identity fraudsters are getting smarter, more organised and the police are finding it harder to track them down. read more


UK Police Introduce Cyber Security Certification

Introducing the UK’s first police-backed cyber security certification scheme, a two stage process based on Cyber Essentials, to avoid online threats. read more


Ensure Your Cloud Storage Is Compliant With GDPR

Its not just EU organisations: If your website captures visitors’ IP addresses and you have five a year from European countries, GDPR affects you. read more


Big Data And AI For Predicting Human Behaviour

Artificial intelligence has set a benchmark in every other industry and is now all set for behavioral science. read more

Charities Are Vulnerable To Severe Cyber Attacks

The UK's National Cyber Security Centre is warning British charities could be at risk from a series of devastating cyber attacks. read more

Cybersecurity At Sea

Cybersecurity demands board room level attention as well as vigilance from all employees, be they in head office or out on the water. read more

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