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Newsletter September #1 2018

This Newsletter reaches over 5,000  IT and Cyber Security professionals weekly: Contact us here for information on partnership & sponsorship opportunities.

Tomorrow’s Malware Will Attack When It Sees Your Face

AI may soon make malicious software nearly impossible to detect, as it waits for just the right person to sit in front of the computer. read more


The Best Security Is Based On Zero Trust

When illegitimate users gain access to the data centre, the architecture implicitly trusts them - there is little to impede intruders once inside the network. read more


Cyber Insurance Has Distinctly Risky Characteristics

The danger of accumulation of cyber risks is a key concern for the insurance market, according to a study released by The Geneva Association. read more


What Europe Can Do To Catch Dark Web Criminals

 Europe gets serious about fighting crime schemes hatched on the dark web, the home of hackers, pedophiles, terrorists, and other undesirables. read more


Germany Promotes Cybersecurity Research

The German government wants to end reliance on digital technologies from the United States, China and others by building its own capabilities. read more


Iranian Political Influence Campaign Goes Global

The Iranian influence operations targeting internet users around the world are significantly bigger than previously identified. read more


US Army Upgrades Cyber Protection Training

The US Army's cyber protection teams are upgrading their training program to include a real-life, round-the-clock, cyberattack on a city port. read more


NATO Live-Fire Cyber Exercise

Locked Shields: With the cyber domain playing host to increased hostilities, NATO's readiness for attacks has never been more crucial. read more


Hackers Breach Cryptocurrency Platform

Cryptocurrency platforms are increasingly targeted by cybercriminals and Atlas Quantum is just the latest to be breached with over 240,000 users compromised. read more


Why Some Computer Viruses Refuse To Die

There are zombies on the internet - odd, undead lumps of code that roam endlessly seeking and finding fresh victims to infect. read more


Trump Relaxes US Cyber Attack Rules

The US administration is under pressure to deal with cyber-threats, amid growing concerns that state-sponsored hacks on critical infrastructure. read more

The Threats Posed By Satellite Systems

Satellite communications are vulnerable to hackers which, in the worst-case scenario, could turn satellite antennas into weapons. read more

How Blockchain Can Protect IoT Devices

IoT devices which are online all the time are especially vulnerable to cyberattack and could even be part of one. Blockchain can mitigate that. read more


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