Bloc Ventures

Bloc Ventures

Bloc Ventures is an investment company providing long-term, ‘patient’ equity capital to early stage unquoted deep technology companies. Its two founding investment partners have over 50 years’ experience investing in, managing and building technology companies, including ten years running the highly successful venture investment arms of Vodafone plc and Arm Holdings.   Bloc invests in companies operating in the big four categories shaping the future of technology: Big Data; Cloud; Connectivity; and Security as they are the most exciting, fastest growing and globally relevant pillars of the technology market.  

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Perimeter 81

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Locklizard provides PDF DRM software that protects PDF documents from unauthorized access and misuse. Share and sell documents securely - prevent document leakage, sharing and piracy.

Resecurity, Inc.

Resecurity, Inc.

Resecurity is a cybersecurity company that delivers a unified platform for endpoint protection, risk management, and cyber threat intelligence.

Perimeter 81 / How to Select the Right ZTNA Solution

Perimeter 81 / How to Select the Right ZTNA Solution

Gartner insights into How to Select the Right ZTNA offering. Download this FREE report for a limited time only.

North Infosec Testing (North IT)

North Infosec Testing (North IT)

North IT (North Infosec Testing) are an award-winning provider of web, software, and application penetration testing.

Cyber Security Supplier Directory

Cyber Security Supplier Directory

Our Supplier Directory lists 6,000+ specialist cyber security service providers in 128 countries worldwide. IS YOUR ORGANISATION LISTED?

Eden Legal

Eden Legal

Eden Legal provides legal services on commercial and regulatory issues affecting digital businesses.



GovCERT.CZ is the Government Computer Emergency Response Team of the Czech Republic.

Identity Automation

Identity Automation

Identity Automation is a leading provider of Identity and Access Management software.

Cybertrust Japan

Cybertrust Japan

Cybertrust Japan provides a comprehensive security certification and digital authentication service, enabling customers to build and manage highly secure IT infrastructures.



NESEC is a specialist in information security consulting services and solutions.

VU Security

VU Security

VU is a specialist in Cybersecurity software development with a focus on the prevention of fraud and identity theft.



NeuShield is the only anti-ransomware technology that can recover your damaged data from malicious software attacks without a backup.



Octiga is an office 365 cloud security provider. It offers Office 365 monitoring, incident response and recovery tools.

EYE Security

EYE Security

EYE provides enterprise-grade cyber security services and cyber insurance to SMEs in Europe, Cyber Incident Response and strategic advice in board rooms.



ZARIOT's mission is to restore order to what is becoming connected chaos in IoT by bringing unrivalled security, control and quality of service.



Skudo is dedicated to creating innovative best-in-class solutions that protect data exchange with the highest level of security and privacy.

Stronghold Cyber Security

Stronghold Cyber Security

Stronghold Cyber Security is a consulting company that specializes in NIST 800, the Cybersecurity Framework and the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification.



Lupovis is an AI-based deception solution that deploys active decoys turning your network from a flock of sheep to a pack of wolves where the hunter becomes the hunted.

Mitigate Cyber

Mitigate Cyber

Mitigate Cyber (formerly Xyone Cyber Security) offer a range of cyber security solutions, from threat mitigation to penetration testing, training & much more.



Rhymetec are an industry leader in cloud security, providing innovative cybersecurity and data privacy services to the modern-day SaaS business.

Cyber Intell Solution (CIS)

Cyber Intell Solution (CIS)

Cyber Intell Solution provide expert consulting, specialized products, and tailored operational services to governmental and corporate industry worldwide.