OxCyber - Not for Profit Cyber Security Community

Oxfordshire's Cyber Security Community

Nurturing Cyber Innovation, Collaboration & Excellence in Oxfordshire & Thames Valley

OxCyber Community is a not for profit organisation that is about advancing information security and resilience. Our community is dedicated to six key objectives:  

1. Advocating Information Security:  We champion the importance of heightened information security and resilience in today's digital landscape. 

2. Local Support:   We provide valuable guidance and resources to help local organisations access assistance for their cyber security needs. 

3. Business Collaboration:   OxCyber brings together like-minded businesses with a keen interest in fortifying their information security measures. 

4. National Network:    We bridge local specialists to the broader UK Cyber Security Forum, fostering connections and knowledge sharing on a national scale. 

5. Academic Engagement:   Our community serves as a vital link between the commercial and academic worlds, nurturing collaborative research opportunities to drive innovation in cyber security. 

6. Cyber Security Training and Skills Development:   We are committed to bridging the skills gap and diversifying the cyber security workforce. 

We actively promote cyber security training and learning opportunities, aiming to attract individuals from all walks of life into rewarding cyber careers. 

Join us in our mission to fortify information security, bridge the skills gap, and build a resilient digital future. Together, we can make a significant impact on the cyber security landscape and empower a diverse range of individuals to thrive in cyber careers.

Now, we'd love to have you on board as we embark on this exciting journey together. Here are the fantastic benefits of continuing your free membership with us: 

Priority Access to Events:   Be the first to know about upcoming webinars, workshops, and cybersecurity conferences, ensuring you never miss an opportunity to stay updated on the latest industry trends.

Networking Opportunities:   Our community is a hub for like-minded cybersecurity enthusiasts and professionals. Membership opens doors to invaluable networking opportunities, allowing you to connect with experts, peers, and potential collaborators.

Exclusive Resources:   Gain access to a wealth of exclusive resources, including research papers, cybersecurity guides, and tools that can help bolster your knowledge and security practices.  

Community Engagement:   Membership fosters active engagement within our community. Participate in discussions, share your insights, and collaborate on initiatives that drive information security and resilience forward.

Professional Development:   Stay ahead in your cybersecurity career with opportunities for skills development, mentorship programs, and access to advanced training courses and certifications.

Early Insights:   As a member, you'll receive early insights into emerging threats, vulnerabilities, and best practices, helping you proactively safeguard your digital assets.

Opportunities to Contribute:   Contribute to a safer digital world by actively participating in our community initiatives. Share your expertise, insights, and passion for security to address pressing cybersecurity challenges.

For those members who want to take a more active role within the community we are always looking for Ambassadors to be at the forefront of shaping the future of tech & cyber security by contributing to the growth and engagement of our community. 

As an Ambassador, you'll play a pivotal role in guiding our organisation's direction and influencing the community decisions.  For further infoation visit:   www.oxcyber.org


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CyberSecurity Jobsite
Perimeter 81

Directory of Suppliers

CSI Consulting Services

CSI Consulting Services

Get Advice From The Experts: * Training * Penetration Testing * Data Governance * GDPR Compliance. Connecting you to the best in the business.

Perimeter 81 / How to Select the Right ZTNA Solution

Perimeter 81 / How to Select the Right ZTNA Solution

Gartner insights into How to Select the Right ZTNA offering. Download this FREE report for a limited time only.

The PC Support Group

The PC Support Group

A partnership with The PC Support Group delivers improved productivity, reduced costs and protects your business through exceptional IT, telecoms and cybersecurity services.



ZenGRC - the first, easy-to-use, enterprise-grade information security solution for compliance and risk management - offers businesses efficient control tracking, testing, and enforcement.



MIRACL provides the world’s only single step Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) which can replace passwords on 100% of mobiles, desktops or even Smart TVs.

Cloud Industry Forum (CIF)

Cloud Industry Forum (CIF)

Cloud Industry Forum is a non-profit industry body that champions and advocates the adoption and use of Cloud-based services by businesses and individuals.



Disklabs are industry leaders in data recovery, digital forensics and data erasure.



The Meterian Platform is a fuss-free solution to protect you against vulnerabilities in your app’s software supply chain.

Polaris Infosec

Polaris Infosec

Polaris Web Presence Protection (WPP) is powered by our proprietary artificial intelligence and machine learning engine to ensure that attacks are stopped before they affect your business.

Enso Security

Enso Security

Enso is the first Application Security Posture Management (ASPM) solution, helping security teams everywhere eliminate their AppSec chaos with application discovery, classification and management.



Empower your cybersecurity and compliance teams with Snowflake. Gain full visibility into security logs, at massive scale, while reducing costs of Security Information and Event Management systems.



QGroup has been re-designing the consultancy industry since 2012. We're a rapidly expanding group of consulting companies that deliver bespoke IT services including cybersecurity.

Ascent Cyber

Ascent Cyber

Ascent Cyber provide simple and stress-free solutions to protect your business and its customers from the worries and costs of cybercrime.

Fortified Health Security

Fortified Health Security

Fortified’s team of cybersecurity specialists is dedicated to helping healthcare providers, payers and business associates protect their patient data across the Fortified Healthcare Ecosystem.



Venustech is a leading provider of network security products, trusted security management platforms, specialized security services and solutions.

US Coast Guard Cyber Command

US Coast Guard Cyber Command

US Coast Guard Cyber Command’s focus is to ensure the security of our cyberspace, maintain superiority over our adversaries,and safeguard our Nation’s critical maritime infrastructure.



HarfangLab develops a hunting software to boost detection and neutralization of cyberattacks against companies endpoints.



Valimail delivers the only complete, cloud-native platform for validating and authenticating sender identity to stop phishing, protect and amplify brands, and ensure compliance.

OX Security

OX Security

OX is a DevOps software supply chain security solution. Teams can verify the integrity and security of every artifact using a pipeline bill of materials (PBOM).



We are "Hadess", a group of cyber security experts and white hat hackers.



eMudhra is a leader in Identity and Transaction Management Solutions.