Security Patching As A Service

Ransomware has hit new levels of sophistication, with demands for payment skyrocketing into the tens of millions of dollar and the reasons are numerous.

Some are straightforward: vulnerabilities posed by remote workers logging in to their empoyers systems from unsecured home networks. Others are highly complex, such as ever-increasing connectivity driven by advancing digitisation. 

In response to these challenges, Aunalytics,a leading data management & analytics company, has initiated its Security Patching Platform, Co-managed Patching as a Service to complement the company’s Advanced Security solution suite. 

Windows OS and supported 3rd party patch management allow for tighter security in the defense against cyber attacks and the new offering ensures active remediation. According to Verizon's 2022 Data Breach Investigations Report, around 70 percent of successful cyber attacks exploited known vulnerabilities with available patches, making it important to update operating systems and applications regularly to prevent such attacks. 

Aunalytics’ new technology as a service includes the tools, structure, strategy and intelligence for managing patch deployment and is a complete solution with best practices, templates, libraries, and built-in alert thresholds.

Lack of security patching leads to vulnerabilities within an organisation’s information systems, internal controls, or system processes, which can then be exploited by cyber criminals. Using a collection of tools, cyber attackers use the vulnerability to gain unauthorised access to corporate systems and data. Identifying and resolving vulnerabilities is very important since a successful exploit can lead to a full-scale system breach.
Workstation and server application patching ensures that organisations have baseline protection against the latest security vulnerabilities, preventing such attacks before they occur. 

Patching can be difficult to manage and update in real-time as software fixes are published on an ongoing basis. Setting up and coordinating manual patching across an organisation can be extremely cumbersome, taking days to organise, schedule, and execute across an entire company.  McKinsey cites good patch management as a top proactive maintenance measure that can help organisations prevent cyber attacks, however, knowing the priority level for patch installment can be confusing and lead to poor patch management as a result. Enlisting the help of a partner to employ security patching best-practices can add true value to many organisations.  

Aunalytics experienced security patching team proactively monitors for updates eliminating worry for end users and server administrators. As part of the new service, users gain access to comprehensive security operations solutions with customised security alerting and vulnerability prioritisation leveraging proprietary solutions and processes.  

The platform facilitates collaboration between IT and security teams which include:

  • Inventory and performance management and proactive alerting
  • Patch deployment control strategy, prioritisation,  planning
  • Patch vetting and blacklisting intelligence
  • Windows Operating System patch management
  • Supported 3rd Party Patch Management 
  • Anti-Malware 
  • DNS-based Malware Protection 
  • Device Encryption Management 
  • Innovative management tool library

“Security patch exploits can have extremely damaging effects on an organisation, decreasing revenues or causing reputational damage, making it imperative to have security patching in place,” said Chris Nicholson, Vice President of Managed IT Services. “Aunalytics’ Security Patching Platform services allow for the rapid resolution of these concerns to maintain the highest levels of cyber-resiliency.”

Aunalytics:     Verizon:      McKinsey:  

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