Static Application Security Testing: Trends & Predictions For 2024

Brought to you by Gilad David Maayan  

What Is Static Application Security Testing (SAST)?

Static Application Security Testing, referred to as SAST, is a testing methodology that inspects source code for security vulnerabilities. It analyzes the code at a static level, meaning it doesn't require the programme to be running.

The goal of SAST is to find security vulnerabilities early in the development lifecycle, making it easier and cheaper to fix any issues.

SAST is a white-box testing method, meaning it has full access to the source code. This enables it to identify vulnerabilities that might not be evident during dynamic testing or to the end-user. It also has the benefit of being able to test all code paths, not just the ones that are typically executed.

The beauty of SAST lies in its ability to integrate into the development process, becoming a part of the developers' daily routine. It provides immediate feedback to developers, making it easy to understand and fix the issues, thus helping to improve the overall quality of the software and reduce the risk of security breaches.

Importance Of SAST In The SDLC

In the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), security testing has often been a step that comes late in the process. However, the increasing occurrence of cyber attacks and the damage they can cause has pushed security higher up the agenda. SAST plays a crucial role in this, enabling early detection and correction of vulnerabilities.

SAST integration into the SDLC allows developers to tackle security issues as they occur. This approach reduces the possibility of vulnerabilities making it into the final product, thereby minimizing the risk of a security breach. This not only saves time but also reduces the cost associated with fixing vulnerabilities at a later stage. Moreover, the use of SAST in the SDLC can improve the quality of the software.

By catching security flaws early, the overall quality of the code is enhanced. This makes the software more robust and less susceptible to future security issues.

Trends In SAST For 2024

As we look ahead to 2024, several key trends are emerging in the realm of Static Application Security Testing. These trends reflect the evolving needs of the software development industry and the ever-present threat of cyber attacks.

Shift Left Approach Becomes Standard

The "shift left" approach is one of the most significant trends expected to shape SAST in 2024. This approach advocates for incorporating security measures early in the SDLC, effectively "shifting" security "left" in the process timeline.

In practice, this means integrating SAST tools into the developers' daily routine. These tools can then analyze the code as it's being written, enabling immediate detection and rectification of security vulnerabilities. This approach not only saves time and cost but also enhances the quality of the software.

Enhancing SAST Tools With AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) is another trend set to shape the future of SAST. AI can enhance SAST tools by improving their ability to accurately identify security vulnerabilities. SAST can also be combined with large language models (LLMs) to provide more detailed suggestions and even provide code improvement suggestions to developers. In the other direction, SAST is being used to check the output of LLMs and AI coding assistants for security vulnerabilities.

Expansion of Customizable and Scalable SAST Solutions

The last trend to watch for in 2024 is the expansion of customizable and scalable SAST solutions. As the software development industry evolves, so too do the needs of developers and organizations.

Customizable and scalable SAST solutions provide the flexibility needed to adapt to these changing needs. They allow organizations to tailor their SAST process to their specific needs, whether that's integrating with particular development tools, adapting to different coding languages, or scaling to accommodate large codebases.

Predictions For SAST In 2024

Increased Emphasis on Privacy Regulations Compliance

In today's world, data privacy is a top concern for consumers, businesses, and governments alike. As the regulatory landscape continues to evolve, organizations need to ensure that their applications are not only secure but also compliant with relevant privacy regulations.

In 2024, SAST tools will need to incorporate functionalities that can help organizations comply with privacy regulations. These functionalities might include features that can detect and report potential privacy breaches, as well as integrated automation capabilities that can help organizations remediate privacy-related vulnerabilities quickly and efficiently.

Moreover, as the world continues to grapple with the challenges of data privacy, there will be a greater demand for SAST solutions that can provide a comprehensive overview of an application's security and privacy posture. This will allow organizations to identify and address potential compliance issues before they turn into costly regulatory fines or reputation-damaging data breaches.

Automated Remediation Recommendations

With the increasing complexity of applications and the growing sophistication of cyber threats, it's no longer sufficient to simply identify vulnerabilities. Organizations need to be able to fix these vulnerabilities quickly and efficiently, and automation can play a key role in this process.

In 2024, SAST solutions will increasingly incorporate automated remediation recommendations. This means that when a SAST tool identifies a vulnerability, it will not only inform the organization about the vulnerability but also suggest a potential fix.

This can help organizations save time and resources in the remediation process, and reduce the window of exposure for potential cyber attacks.

Furthermore, the automation of remediation recommendations will go hand-in-hand with the increased use of artificial intelligence (AI) in SAST. AI can help enhance the accuracy and efficiency of vulnerability detection, and also provide more intelligent and context-aware remediation recommendations.

Growth in SAST as a Service

In today's fast-paced digital world, organizations need to be able to deploy and scale their security solutions quickly and efficiently. SAST as a service can provide organizations with the flexibility and scalability they need to keep up with their evolving security needs.

In 2024, more organizations will turn to SAST as a service to manage their application security. This approach can help organizations reduce the complexity and overhead of managing their own SAST infrastructure, and allow them to focus on their core business operations.

Enhanced Support for Containerization and Microservices

As the adoption of containerization and microservices continues to rise, SAST solutions in 2024 will increasingly offer enhanced support for these architectures. Containerization, with technologies like Docker, and orchestration systems like Kubernetes, have transformed how applications are developed, deployed, and managed. Microservices architecture breaks down applications into smaller, independently deployable services, each running a unique process.

SAST tools will evolve to better understand and analyze the complexities of these distributed systems. This includes the ability to scan individual microservices for vulnerabilities, ensuring that even though they are part of a larger system, each component is secure.

Furthermore, SAST solutions will offer features tailored to the dynamic nature of containerized environments, such as scanning for vulnerabilities in container images and configuration files. This ensures that security is integrated into every stage of the CI/CD pipeline, from code development to deployment.


As we approach 2024, it's clear that Static Application Security Testing is not just maintaining its relevance but is also evolving rapidly to meet the changing demands of software development. The integration of AI into SAST tools, the shift-left approach becoming standard, the growth in SAST as a service, and the increased emphasis on privacy regulation compliance underscore the industry's commitment to making security an integral part of the software development life cycle.

Moreover, with the rise of complex architectures like microservices and containerization, SAST is adapting to provide in-depth and nuanced security analyses tailored to these modern infrastructures.

As these trends continue to unfold, SAST is poised to become an even more critical tool in the arsenal of developers and organizations, helping them to create not just functional and efficient software, but also secure and resilient applications in an increasingly digital world.

Image: mesh cube

Gilad David Maayan is a technology writer producing thought leadership content that elucidates technical solutions for developers and IT leadership.     

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