The 3 Biggest Mistakes in Cybersecurity

Everyone, from the small business owner, to senior executives in businesses of every shape and size are confronting a seemingly insurmountable problem: Constant and rising cyber security breaches. It seems no matter what we do, there is always someone that was hacked, a new vulnerability exploited, and millions of dollars lost.

In an effort to stem the tide people have tried everything: From throwing money at it by buying the latest and greatest tech gizmos promising security, to outsourcing cyber security management, to handing it over to the IT folks to deal with it. And, every time the result is money lost, productivity decreased, and the attacks continue.

Many business people complain that we’re not just losing a battle here and there. We’re losing the war. Is that true?

The truth is that those that keep losing their cyber battles and risk losing the war are making three critical mistakes:

  1. They think cyber security is a technology problem.
  2. They follow a cyber security check list once-and-done.
  3. They don’t have a cyber security awareness training program in place.

First, cyber security is not a technology problem. Far from it. It is a business-critical problem, and more importantly: It’s a people problem, and we need to address it at that level.

Second, cyber security is a constantly evolving battlefield. The threats evolve, the attacks take new paths, the underlying technologies change. A static check list solves yesterday’s problems, not today’s, and certainly not tomorrow’s.

Finally, if people don’t understand the threat they will not even see the attack coming, much less be able to respond and protect themselves. Cyber security awareness training is the only way to prepare everyone for the new reality we live and work in.

Cyber security is not an IT problem. It is a risk management problem. This is easier to understand in you work in a regulated industry. There, the concept, language, even governance of risk management is part of the daily lexicon.

Not so with small and mid-market business less familiar with the risk management function. It doesn’t help that the very nature of the threat and the way the “payload” of the attack is delivered is via information technologies. It almost makes sense to have IT deal with cyber security. But the victims are not the computers. The victims are the businesses and their people.

More importantly: A company’s Information Technology generates Value. It does so a myriad different ways depending on the business you are in, from the actual delivery of goods to clients (e.g. software businesses, data businesses, media and technology businesses etc.) to complementing, enhancing, and realizing the mission and vision of the company (law firms, manufacturing, logistics, healthcare, etc.)

Cyber security, like all risk management, is there to protect value. Therefore, you can never have cyber security (the value protector) report to IT (the value creator). That creates a conflict of interest. Just like IT reports directly to the CEO, so must cyber security. They are parallel tracks keeping the business train aligned and moving.

Once you have the reporting structure correctly in place, you need to empower it with executive buy-in and engagement. Cyber security needs your direction on company goals and risk appetite so they can develop the right strategy to protect the company’s assets. Cyber security professionals, working with the board and executives, including IT and business units, will develop the right defense-in-depth strategy that is right for the company.

Cyber security doesn’t happen in isolation. It is not a set check list. It is dynamic, adjusting strategy to risk, asset value, and controls. As market conditions change, as company goals change, and as technology changes, so will the cyber security strategy.

Neither structure nor strategy will help if you ignore the most important element in cyber security: People. In 2016 ISACA published the top three cybersecurity threats facing organizations in that year. They were, in order: 52% Social Engineering; 40% Insider Threats; 39% Advanced Persistent Threats.

Excluding the advanced persistent threats typically targeted against large multinationals, governments, military, infrastructure and the like, the other two have one common element: People.

It is people that become the victims of cyber-attacks, and by extension, the businesses they work in or do business with. Be it through social engineering, extortion, or any of the many vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit, it is people that get compromised first. They are the ones that have to pick up the pieces when all the data is gone or when their identity is stolen.

The good news is that cyber security awareness training is one of the most effective controls against hackers. Training and sensitizing people to the threats, the methods used, vulnerabilities, even their own personal privacy risks, has been proven time and again as the one thing that makes a real difference in early detection, quick response and recovery during a cyber-attack. Having a quarterly lunch-and-learn will go a long way in developing a culture of cyber awareness, saving both your business and your employees from cyber-harm.

Avoiding these three mistakes in cyber security won’t help win every single battle. But it will guarantee you win the war.



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DigitalStakeout enables cyber security professionals to reduce cyber risk to their organization with proactive security solutions, providing immediate improvement in security posture and ROI.



As the IT management division of Zoho Corporation, ManageEngine prioritizes flexible solutions that work for all businesses, regardless of size or budget.

CSI Consulting Services

CSI Consulting Services

Get Advice From The Experts: * Training * Penetration Testing * Data Governance * GDPR Compliance. Connecting you to the best in the business.



Locklizard provides PDF DRM software that protects PDF documents from unauthorized access and misuse. Share and sell documents securely - prevent document leakage, sharing and piracy.

North Infosec Testing (North IT)

North Infosec Testing (North IT)

North IT (North Infosec Testing) are an award-winning provider of web, software, and application penetration testing.

ECSC Group

ECSC Group

ECSC is a full-service information security provider, specialising in 24/7/365 security breach detection and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

RedTeam Security

RedTeam Security

RedTeam Security is a provider of Penetration Testing, Social Engineering, Red Teaming and Red Team Training services.

Virtual Security

Virtual Security

Virtual Security provides solutions in the field of managed security services, network security, secure remote work, responsible internet, application security, encryption, BYOD and compliance.

Cyber, Space, & Intelligence Association (CSIA)

Cyber, Space, & Intelligence Association (CSIA)

CSIA focuses on issues critical to Cyber Security, Military Space and Intelligence.



Ovarro is the new name for Servelec Technologies and Primayer. Ovarro's technology is used throughout the world to monitor, control and manage critical and national infrastructure.



SecuDrive, provides hardware encrypted external storage devices to protect a company’s sensitive and important data.

Vysk Communications

Vysk Communications

Vysk is an award-winning mobile security firm that has developed the world’s most secure system for voice communication.

ECOS Technology

ECOS Technology

ECOS Technology specializes in the development and sale of IT solutions for high-security remote access as well as the management of certificates and smart cards.

Sayata Labs

Sayata Labs

Sayata delivers a streamlined solution for processing cyber policies. Increase profitability with an easy and intuitive platform.



NJVC delivers IT automation, optimization and security to empower mission-enabling IT for customers with secure requirements.



Conatix was formed to apply recent advances in AI and other fields of technology to insider fraud, one of the most intractable problems in cybersecurity.



Portshift leverages the power of Kubernetes and Service-Mesh to deliver a single source of truth for containers and cloud-native applications security.



Exterro is a leading provider of e-discovery and information governance software specifically designed for in-house legal, privacy and IT teams at Global 2000 and Am Law 200 organizations.

Data Priva

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Data Priva is the UK's leading subscription-based data protection, governance, risk and and compliance service.



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DigitalXForce is the Digital Trust Platform for the New Era – SaaS based solution that provides Automated, Continuous, Real Time Security & Privacy Risk Management.