The Future Of Cybersecurity Jobs

Cybersecurity jobs are in high demand and it doesn’t seem like the need for more security professionals is going change in the foreseeable future. Cyberattacks are becoming more common, more harmful and e no company or organisation with an online presence is immune to attacks.

According to the Bureau of Labour Statistics, the rate of growth for jobs in information security is projected at 37% from 2012–2022, which is much faster than the average for all other occupations.

Computer science roles are already in high demand as it is; adding in the element of security makes these roles even more critical and sought after.

Cybersecurity Training
With so many jobs available, and the need to fill them so dire, more colleges are offering degrees in cybersecurity, though it has yet to become a staple in undergraduate coursework for students majoring in related fields. For many professionals currently in the cybersecurity field, they learned the necessary skills through certificate programs and in-the-field training versus degree programs. 

Cisco and Microsoft security training certificate programs are common among all professionals looking for certification. Further collegiate education is also an option, but with relatively few schools offering programs, with a high percentage located on the east coast or DC area, it might not be easy for professionals to find a program nearby that offers what they need.

Common Cybersecurity Positions
While cybersecurity is a common job function, it is actually not as common to see the term in a job title. 

Common skills required for cybersecurity job roles are: 

  • incident handling and response
  • audit and compliance
  • firewall/IDS/IPS skills
  • intrusion detection
  • analytics and intelligence
  • SIEM management
  • access/identity management
  • application security development
  • advanced malware prevention
  • cloud computing/virtualisation 

While these are the most common skills, most cybersecurity roles require a handful of these skills plus others.

Based on the SANS survey, the top five industries for cybersecurity professionals are:

  • Banking/Finance/Insurance 
  • Information Technology/Management
  • Government (Defense), Government (Nondefense)
  • Consulting/Professional Services. 

Not surprisingly, these top industries all deal with the type sensitive information commonly targeted by attackers.

Just the Beginning
While we’ve already seen a large boom in these jobs and skill sets, it is safe to say that it is only just the beginning for the rise in cybersecurity roles.  Not only will current professionals be able to easily broaden their skill sets with cyber security training, if colleges continue to expand their offerings, more young talent will continue to fill these roles. 

Monster:      US Bureau of Labour Statistics

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Alvacomm offers holistic VIP cybersecurity services, providing comprehensive protection against cyber threats. Our solutions include risk assessment, threat detection, incident response.



DigitalStakeout enables cyber security professionals to reduce cyber risk to their organization with proactive security solutions, providing immediate improvement in security posture and ROI.

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Our Supplier Directory lists 6,000+ specialist cyber security service providers in 128 countries worldwide. IS YOUR ORGANISATION LISTED?

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XYPRO Technology

XYPRO is the market leader in HPE Non-Stop Security, Risk Management and Compliance.



BackupVault is a leading provider of automatic cloud backup and critical data protection against ransomware, insider attacks and hackers for businesses and organisations worldwide.

CW Jobs

CW Jobs is a leading specialist IT recruitment website covering all areas of IT including Cyber Security.



Stratogent does IT and Cybersecurity operations. We specialize in high-touch and high-change IT environments, especially in the biotech and pharma industry verticals.

TNO Cyber Security Lab

TNO Cyber Security Lab

TNO Cyber Security Lab is a dedicated facility for innovative and experimental research with the goal of a safe and resilient cyberspace.



Zivver is the effortless, secure email platform, powering the next generation of secure communications.



AppViewX is a global leader in the management, automation and orchestration of network services in data centers.



FedRAMP, is a government-wide program that provides a standardized approach to security assessment, authorization, and continuous monitoring for cloud products and services.

London Office for Rapid Cybersecurity Advancement (LORCA)

London Office for Rapid Cybersecurity Advancement (LORCA)

LORCA's mission is to support the most promising cyber security innovators in growing solutions to meet the most pressing industry challenges and build the UK’s international cyber security profile.

Intelligent Business Solutions Cyprus (IBSCY)

Intelligent Business Solutions Cyprus (IBSCY)

IBSCY Ltd is a leading provider of total IT solutions and services in Cyprus specializing in the areas of cloud services and applications, systems integration, IT infrastructure and security.

GM Security Technologies

GM Security Technologies

GM Security Technologies provides leading managed security services of the highest quality to every type of individual and organization in Puerto Rico, Caribbean and Latin America.

Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)

Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)

The Electric Power Research Institute’s Cyber Security Research Laboratory (CSRL) addresses the security issues of critical functions of electric utilities.

ACA Group

ACA Group

ACA Group are a leading governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) advisor in financial services.

Center for Infrastructure Assurance and Security (CIAS)

Center for Infrastructure Assurance and Security (CIAS)

CIAS is developing the world's foremost center for multidisciplinary education and development of operational capabilities in the areas of infrastructure assurance and security.



Seccuri is a unique global cybersecurity talent tech platform. Use our specialized AI algorithm to grow and improve the cybersecurity workforce.



Cybergroot provides Cybersecurity Assessment services and professional Information Security trainings.

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Cloudsec Asia is Thailand's top-ranked cybersecurity consultant company. We offers security services to ensure that all your IT assets are reliable, accessible, and secure.

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Digital Encode

Digital Encode is a leading consulting and integration firm that specializes in the design, management, and security of business-critical networks, telecommunications, and IT infrastructures.