The Secure Perimeter Cybersecurity Model Is Broken

Want to keep yourself up at night, spend some time reading about the latest developments in cybersecurity. Airplanes hacked, cars hacked, vulnerabilities in a breathtaking range of sensitive equipment from TSA locks to voting booths to medical devices.

The big picture is even scarier. Former NSA Director Mike McConnell suspects China has hacked “every major corporation” in the US. Edward Snowden’s NSA leaks revealed the US government has its own national and international hacking to account for. And the Ponemon Institute says 110 million Americans saw their identities compromised in 2014. That’s one-in-two American adults.

The system is broken. It isn’t keeping us, companies, or our government safe. Worse yet, no one seems to know how to fix it.

This wasn’t difficult in the early days of the Internet and online threats. But today, most private networks have far too many endpoints to properly secure. In an age of “Bring Your Own Device,” the cloud, remote access, and the Internet of Things, there are too many vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit. 

But the security paradigm remains focused on perimeter defense because, frankly, no one knows what else to do. To address threats, security experts should assume compromise, that hackers and malware already have breached their defenses, or soon will and instead classify and mitigate threats.

The information security community has a model to assess and respond to threats, at least as a starting point. It breaks information security into three essential components: confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

  • Confidentiality means protecting and keeping your secrets. Espionage and data theft are threats to confidentiality.
  • Integrity means assessing whether the software and critical data within your networks and systems are compromised with malicious or unauthorized code or bugs. Viruses and malware compromise the integrity of the systems they infect.
  • Availability means keeping your services running, and giving administrators access to key networks and controls. Denial of service and data deletion attacks threaten availability.

Of these, integrity is the least understood and most nebulous. And what many people don’t realize is it’s the greatest threat to businesses and governments today.

Meanwhile, the cybersecurity industry remains overwhelmingly focused on confidentiality. Its mantra is “encrypt everything.” This is noble, and essential to good security. But without integrity protection, the keys that protect encrypted data are themselves vulnerable to malicious alteration. We can no longer count on keeping the hackers out. Let’s work on ensuring we can catch them once they break in. 

Wired:         Security Week

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Clayden Law

Clayden Law

Clayden Law advise global businesses that buy and sell technology products and services. We are experts in information technology, data privacy and cybersecurity law.

IT Governance

IT Governance

IT Governance is a leading global provider of information security solutions. Download our free guide and find out how ISO 27001 can help protect your organisation's information.



NordLayer is an adaptive network access security solution for modern businesses — from the world’s most trusted cybersecurity brand, Nord Security. 

Cyber Security Supplier Directory

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Resecurity, Inc.

Resecurity, Inc.

Resecurity is a cybersecurity company that delivers a unified platform for endpoint protection, risk management, and cyber threat intelligence.



SealPath enables companies to protect and control their documents wherever they are: In their PC, in their corporate network, on a partner’s network, in the cloud.



4ARMED specializes in penetration testing, information security consultancy and security training

Virus Bulletin

Virus Bulletin

Virus Bulletin is an online security information portal and certification body, providing users with independent intelligence about the latest developments in the global threat landscape.

Linklaters LLP

Linklaters LLP

Linklaters is an international law firm. Practice areas include Information Management and Data Protection.



Spirion offers data discovery, classification, and protection tools for your business's privacy, security, and compliance program to avoid gaps and risks.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE)

Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE)

HPE is an information technology company focused on Enterprise networking, Services and Support.

Luxar Tech

Luxar Tech

Luxar's network visibility products enable enterprises and service providers to monitor network traffic, improve security and optimize efficiency.

ABL Cyber Academy

ABL Cyber Academy

ABL provide certified training courses in the field of cyber security and IT project management.

Asseco Group

Asseco Group

Asseco Poland stands at the forefront of the multinational Asseco Group. We are a leading provider of state-of-the-art IT solutions in Central and Eastern Europe.

National Centre for Cyber Security (NCCS) - Pakistan

National Centre for Cyber Security (NCCS) - Pakistan

National Centre for Cyber Security (NCCS) undertakes cyber security research and plays a leading role in securing Pakistan’s Cyberspace.



ChainSecurity provides products and services for securing smart contracts and blockchain protocols and conducts R&D in the areas of security, program analysis, and machine learning.

Security Risk Management (SRM)

Security Risk Management (SRM)

SRM provide a comprehensive security risk management service encompassing people, processes, technology, governance, compliance and risk management.



CornerStone is an award winning, independent risk, cyber and security consulting firm providing a range of Risk Management, Security Design and Implementation Management Services.

eCloudvalley Digital Technology

eCloudvalley Digital Technology

eCloudvalley Digital Technology is a born-in-the-cloud partner focused entirely on AWS services across APAC region.

Bit Sentinel

Bit Sentinel

Bit Sentinel is an information security company. We help companies like yours discover, prioritize, and effectively remediate potential cybersecurity risks.

Ivolv Cybersecurity

Ivolv Cybersecurity

Ivolv is here to assist your organization in building effective protection and resilience against cyber attacks.