The US Security Standard For IoT Devices

The US government has launched its long-awaited Internet of Things (IoT) cyber security labelling program with the aim of protecting people the security risks associated with Internet-connected devices. Now, the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has released a cyber security labelling program to improve users security of the IoT.

“These smart devices or products might include home office routers, digital personal assistants, home security systems, voice-activated shopping, Internet-connected appliances, fitness trackers, GPS trackers, medical devices, garage door openers, and baby monitors,” the FCC has said in a press release.

The aim is to “To provide consumers with the peace of mind that the technology being brought into their homes is reasonably secure, and to help guard against risks to communications,” says the US Government Federal Register.

The FCC says the program will be similar to the Energy Star program, which helps users identify energy-efficient appliances, and promote more cyber secure smart devices.

The enormously growing numbers of smart products already connected to networks bring enormous security challenges.

IoT devices are susceptible to a wide range of vulnerabilities, such as default passwords, a lack of regular security updates, weak encryption, and insecure authentication. Furthermore, since IoT devices are often installed in public spaces or remote locations, their physical security may also be compromised, vulnerable to theft, tampering, vandalism, or unauthorised access.

FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel contends that while beneficial, increased interconnection also brings increased security risk, saying: “Smart devices make our lives easier and more efficient…But increased interconnection also brings increased security and privacy risks”

“After all, every device connected to the Internet is a point of entry for the kind of cyber attacks that can take our personal data and compromise our safety.” she said.

These new proposals aim to assure users that the manufacturers adhere to widely accepted cyber security standards. However, there was a proposed requirement that manufacturers disclose the length of time they’ll provide security updates for their devices and whether they’ll fix known security vulnerabilities, which raises issues.

Another possible risk is increased manufacturing costs are also a risk, which might make devices more expensive, although many will agree that the FCC’s proposal is a step in the right direction, but some are still hoping for further and mandatory security requirements.

I-His:     FCC:     FCC:     FCC:     NIST:     Tech Crunch:     Federal Register              Image: Stephen Phillips

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