ISACA is a global professional association and learning organization for members who work in information security, governance, assurance, rissk and privacy.
Software Testing News provides the latest news in the industry; from the most up-to-date reports in web security to the latest testing tool that can help you perform better.
Opscura (formerly Enigmedia) brings the reliable and cautious hands of operations together with the analytical minds of cyber experts and cryptography researchers.
The IAF is the world association of Conformity Assessment Accreditation Bodies. Its primary function is to develop a single worldwide programme of conformity assessment.
Beauceron's cloud-based platform gives employees a powerful personal cyber-risk coach empowering them to improve their cybersecurity practices and behaviours.
UTMStack is a Unified Security Management system that includes SIEM, Vulnerability Management, Network and Host IDS/IPS, Asset Discovery, Endpoint Protection and Incident Response.
With Kintent, compliance becomes a habit, is simple to understand and achieve, and is continuously testable so that your customers can see that you are adhering to all your trust obligations.
Air IT are a responsive, client-focused and award-winning Managed Service Provider, helping clients achieve success and transformation through their IT and communications.
Hubble grew from the idea that legacy solutions were failing to provide organizations with the asset visibility they needed to effectively secure and operate their businesses.