Cyber Threat Alliance

Cyber Threat Alliance

The CTA is a not-for-profit organization that is working to improve the cybersecurity of our global digital ecosystem by enabling near real-time, high-quality cyber threat information sharing among companies and organizations in the cybersecurity field.

The CTA and its members all share timely, actionable, contextualized and campaign-based intelligence that can be used to improve their products and services to better protect their customers, more systematically thwart adversaries, and improve the security of the digital ecosystem.

Members Benefits

  • Join a unique community of experts who share insights and best practices.
  • Get cybersecurity industry leaders on speed dial.
  • Access the CTA’s automated platform for sharing cyber threat intelligence.
  • Share timely, actionable, contextualized, and campaign-based intelligence.
  • Improve your products and services to protect your customers.

Contact Information

CyberSecurity Jobsite
Perimeter 81

Directory of Suppliers

CSI Consulting Services

CSI Consulting Services

Get Advice From The Experts: * Training * Penetration Testing * Data Governance * GDPR Compliance. Connecting you to the best in the business.

North Infosec Testing (North IT)

North Infosec Testing (North IT)

North IT (North Infosec Testing) are an award-winning provider of web, software, and application penetration testing.

ON-DEMAND WEBINAR: What Is A Next-Generation Firewall (and why does it matter)?

ON-DEMAND WEBINAR: What Is A Next-Generation Firewall (and why does it matter)?

Watch this webinar to hear security experts from Amazon Web Services (AWS) and SANS break down the myths and realities of what an NGFW is, how to use one, and what it can do for your security posture.

Clayden Law

Clayden Law

Clayden Law advise global businesses that buy and sell technology products and services. We are experts in information technology, data privacy and cybersecurity law.



MIRACL provides the world’s only single step Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) which can replace passwords on 100% of mobiles, desktops or even Smart TVs.

Software Testing News

Software Testing News

Software Testing News provides the latest news in the industry; from the most up-to-date reports in web security to the latest testing tool that can help you perform better.

Steptoe & Johnson

Steptoe & Johnson

Steptoe is an international law firm with offices in the USA, Europe and China. Practice areas include Cybersecurity, Privacy & National Security.



SISA is a global forensics-driven cybersecurity solutions company, trusted by leading organizations for securing their businesses with robust preventive and corrective cybersecurity solutions.

cPacket Networks

cPacket Networks

cPacket’s distributed intelligence enables network operators to proactively identify imminent issues before they negatively impact end-users.



Governikus provides solutions for secure data transport, authentication, the use of electronic signatures and cryptography as well as for long-term storage.



Scanmeter helps identifying vulnerabilities in software and systems before they can be exploited by an attacker.



The Britive Platform is a cloud-native security solution built for the most demanding cloud-forward enterprises.

Trava Security

Trava Security

Trava simplifies cyber risk management for business owners and IT professionals. Automated assessments, mitigation advising, and data-driven cyber insurance.



NSR provide trusted solutions that deliver positive business outcomes for our clients in cybersecurity and data protection challenges.



Quantropi is bound to be the standard for quantum-secure data communications – forever unbreakable, no matter what.



ThreatDefence provides innovative SIEM, SOC-as-a-Service, and proactive cyber defence solutions to MSP’s and Enterprises.

NextGen Cyber Talent

NextGen Cyber Talent

NextGen Cyber Talent is a non-profit providing a platform to increase diversity and inclusion in the cybersecurity industry.

Enterprise Strategy Group

Enterprise Strategy Group

Enterprise Strategy Group, a division of TechTarget, is an IT analyst, research, validation, and strategy firm that provides market intelligence and actionable insight to the global IT community.



Vantyr's core mission is to safeguard the business-led adoption of SaaS applications by automating the lifecycle management and security of non-human identities.



Gcore is an international leader in public cloud and edge computing, content delivery, hosting, and security solutions.

ArmorX AI

ArmorX AI

ArmorX AI (formerly Kapalya) operates an encryption management platform designed to encrypt all data in transit and at rest on mobile end-points, corporate servers, and cloud servers.