GreyNoise Intelligence

GreyNoise Intelligence is a cyber security company that collects, labels, and analyzes Internet-wide scan and attack data. Most cyber security companies want to tell you all of the things you should be worried about. At GreyNoise, we tell you all of the things not to be worried about. Think of us as "Anti-Threat Intelligence". At GreyNoise, we collect and analyze untargeted, widespread, and opportunistic scan and attack activity that reaches every server directly connected to the Internet. Mass scanners (such as Shodan and Censys), search engines, bots, worms, and crawlers generate logs and events omnidirectionally on every IP address in the IPv4 space. GreyNoise gives you the ability to filter this useless noise out.
Contact Information
Washington, DC USA
- Phone: +1 (202) 572-3133 Visit Website vCard