National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM)

National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM)

NASSCOM is a trade association of Indian Information Technology and Business Process Outsourcing industry. Areas of activity include cyber security.

NASSCOM is a global trade body with over 2000 members, of which over 250 are companies from the China, EU, Japan, US and UK. NASSCOM's member companies are in the business of software development, software services, software products, IT-enabled/BPO services and E-Commerce.

NASSCOM facilitates business and trade in software and services and encourages the advancement of research in software technology.

In partnership with the Indian Government and the Data Security Council of India (DSCI), NASSCOM has established a number of cyber training labs to train law enforcement officials and industry partners in cyber security and forensics.

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Locklizard provides PDF DRM software that protects PDF documents from unauthorized access and misuse. Share and sell documents securely - prevent document leakage, sharing and piracy.



BackupVault is a leading provider of automatic cloud backup and critical data protection against ransomware, insider attacks and hackers for businesses and organisations worldwide.

XYPRO Technology

XYPRO Technology

XYPRO is the market leader in HPE Non-Stop Security, Risk Management and Compliance.



NordLayer is an adaptive network access security solution for modern businesses — from the world’s most trusted cybersecurity brand, Nord Security. 

The PC Support Group

The PC Support Group

A partnership with The PC Support Group delivers improved productivity, reduced costs and protects your business through exceptional IT, telecoms and cybersecurity services.



SCADAhacker provides mission critical information relating to industrial security of SCADA, DCS and other Industrial Control Systems.

Cyber Risk & Insurance Forum (CRIF)

Cyber Risk & Insurance Forum (CRIF)

CRIF helps organisations understand cyber risks and the damage that might occur by supporting the development of effective insurance solutions.



SecuPi delivers data-centric security with data-flow discovery, real-time monitoring, behavior analytics, and protection across web and enterprise applications and big data environments.



FarrPoint is a specialist telecoms consultancy providing a range of services including cyber security assessments and technical assurance to safeguard your data.



Kymatio are pioneers in Artificial Intelligence applied to adaptive staff strengthening, cultural change and predictive internal risk analysis.

AmWINS Group

AmWINS Group

AmWINS are a global specialty insurance distributor with expertise in property, casualty and professional lines including cyber liability.



SecureWorx are a secure multi-cloud MSP, a provider of advanced IT security services and an independent cyber security advisory.

Global Cybersecurity Institute - Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT)

Global Cybersecurity Institute - Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT)

At RIT’s Global Cybersecurity Institute, we educate and train cybersecurity professionals; develop new cybersecurity and AI-based knowledge for industry, academia, and government.

Oxford Internet Institute - University of Oxford

Oxford Internet Institute - University of Oxford

The Oxford Internet Institute is a multidisciplinary research and teaching department of the University of Oxford, dedicated to the social science of the Internet.



Saporo helps organizations increase their cyber-resistance. Continuously map your attack surface and get the recommendations you need to make your organization more resistant to attacks.



Nitel is a leading next-generation technology services provider. We simplify the complex technology challenges of today’s enterprises to create seamless and integrated managed network solutions.



Siometrix addresses digital identity fraud. It steals your attacker's time and prevents many prevalent attack vectors.

BARR Advisory

BARR Advisory

At BARR Advisory, we build trust through cyber resilience. We help protect the world’s data, people, and information networks through a human-first approach to cybersecurity and compliance.



Zafran is a Risk & Mitigation Platform that defuses threat exploitation by mobilizing existing security tools.



At BlazeGuard, we understand that navigating the complex world of cybersecurity can be challenging. That’s why we make it our mission to simplify the process for you.



Secucenter is a trusted partner for SOC services, offering security expertise in a cost-effective way.