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Newsletter September #4 2015

This Newsletter reaches over 5,000  IT and Cyber Security professionals weekly: Contact us here for information on partnership & sponsorship opportunities. 

Russia in Ukraine & Syria: Pentagon Revises Cyber Budget

Russia's involvement in both Syria & Ukraine and it's overall role in cyberwarfare is the Pentagon's primary concern.  read more  They have some new high tech gear on the shopping list too.  read more


Iran and Saudi Are Marching To Cyber War

As the two powers vie for regional dominance in Yemen and Syria they have begun using cyber attacks to release critical intelligence.  read more


UK Drone Strike on ISIS Raises Legal Questions

Further clarification is needed on the legal justification for the UK's lethal drone strike in Syria.  Opinion by Harriet Moynihan  read more


What Does Facebook Want With AI?

Study into artificial intelligence research is no longer the preserve of universities.  read more  Also, why is Google threatening a talent war  to beat premium car makers?  read more


How Susceptible are U.S Jobs To Automation?

Very. About 47 per cent of total US employment is at risk by some estimates.  read more


Using Threat Intelligence Against Cybercriminals

Companies and governments don't really share data about successful attacks. Threat Intelligence can fix that.  read more  Predictive Analytics use publicly available &  privately sourced data to detect fraud.  read more


Cybercrime Exceeds Conventional Crime

Online crime is increasingly displacing conventional forms of property crime and it often goes unreported and uninvestigated.  read more


The Shocking State of Cybercrime in Russia

Stolen credit cards, fraud, banking information theft & malware infections, stealing from cryptocurrency wallets... we could go on.  read more


Why Aren't Companies Using Military Security?

Why do defence companies have classified hard networks to prevent cyber attack, while companies handling our critical utilities don't?  read more


Face the Consequences: FBI Urges Firms to Plan For a Cyber Attack

An FBI security expert  calls on businesses of all sizes to make a cyber incident response plan to combat the big increase in global security threats.  read more


Hackers Can Spy on Every Mobile

There is a security hole in modern telecommunication systems that allows cyber criminals (and others) to listen in and to read text messages.  read more


Spy Agencies Go Recruiting on LinkedIn

Mata Hari Goes Social: Foreign spy agencies are reaching out to recruit British civil servants by 'befriending' them on LinkedIn. read more

India and US Agree Cyber Security Pact to Combat Crime

Facing a common threat from overseas cyber-attacks, India and the U.S. recently decided to join hands in combating cyber crime.  read more

Xerox Memory Labels Fight Counterfeiting

A printed "memory label" from Xerox stores 36 bits of data that can be encrypted and used for authentication & tracking  read more

New monthly Directors Report coming soon: Contact us here for details