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Newsletter July #2 2019

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BA Faces £183m Data Breach Fine

British Airways will be fined the biggest penalty handed out by the UK  regulator so far and is just the first to be made public under new GDPR rules. read more


Building Smart Cities

Security and privacy issues plus a lack of IoT interoperability are only a few of the major factors in speeding deployment of Smart City technology. read more


Why Is Retail Cyber Security So Weak?

The retail industry is low-hanging fruit for organised crime and it looks like cyber-attacks will only rise further and become ever more sophisticated. read more


China’s Dirty Secret - Intellectual Property Theft

Hackers have stolen masses of corporate and government secrets, with the aim to improve Chinese business and economic competitiveness. read more


Wanted: Clarity About Cyber Insurance Cover 

Lloyd’s of London wants all insurance policies to explicitly state whether coverage will be provided for losses caused by a cyber-attack. read more


Police Forensic Firm Has Paid Ransom 

Eurofins, the leading provider of forensic analysis to British law enforcement agencies, is slowly restoring service after a crippling ransom attack. read more


Improving Electric Power-Grid Security

Going Backwards To Go Forwards: US legislators want to mandate 'retro' analogue control systems in US Power stations to improve cyber-resilience. read more


20m Jobs Will Become Robotic By 2030

The impact of automation, AI and the IoT will be huge. One forecast is for 20 million fewer jobs and 500 billion connected devices in 2030. read more


Cyber Attacks On The British Financial Sector Are Increasing Fast

A significant rise in outages and cyber-attacks affecting financial services firms over the past year suggests there are some fundamental problems. read more


Communications Satellites Are Vulnerable

NATO forces rely heavily on space-based systems to guide weapons, gather intelligence & coordinate operations. Such systems can be hacked. read more


US Electoral Infrastructure Is Wide Open To Hackers

Most US electronic voting systems are nothing but bare-bone, decade old computer systems that lack even rudimentary endpoint security. read more

Phishing, Malware & Cyber Security in Australia

More robocalls, more suspicious emails and decreased cyber security. Australians find themselves in the frontline against cyberecrime. read more

Blockchain Will Be A Trusted Military Solution

Militaries around the world want to leverage the super secure nature of blockchain technology in their communications. read more 

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