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Newsletter September #1 2019

This Newsletter reaches over 5,000  IT and Cyber Security professionals weekly: Contact us here for information on partnership & sponsorship opportunities.

One in Four Workers Would Steal Company Information

A quarter of IT employees surveyed say they would take company information to help apply for a job with a competitor. read more


A New Era Of Malware

NotPetya has ushered in a new era of implant-enabled malware where public opinion is as much the target as traditional IT systems. read more


US Cyber Attack Disabled Iran’s Ability To Target Shipping

A strike by US CyberCommand has disabled a critical Iranian intelligence database, diminishing their ability to conduct covert attacks. read more


Extra-Terrestrial Hacking

NASA is reportedly investigating one of its astronauts in a case that appears to involve the first allegations of criminal hacking from space. read more


Major Breach In Biometrics Security Database

Over a million fingerprints and other sensitive data including unencrypted usernames and passwords have been found exposed online. read more


Five Features Of The Changing Threat Landscape

Organisations and critical infrastructure are likely to experience far more-destructive cyber-attacks, according to Accenture's 2019 Threat Report. read more


One $Million Stolen Every Minute

Every 60 seconds 1,861 people in the USA are hit by cyber crimes and some states are much more risky than others. Alaska is a real hot spot. read more


Seven Cybersecurity Issues That Easily Go Unnoticed

Some cybersecurity issues and challenges can be harder to spot than others and it can lead to some of these problems going unnoticed. By Chester Avey. read more


The Risk To Maritime Shipping

Ships at sea are operating without effective cyber security measures in place, exposing critical vessel control systems to numerous vulnerabilities. read more


Cyber Weapons Could Create Devastation 

Cyber threats could be just as dangerous as a nuclear conflict, yet this is little understood by some governments and the public at large. read more

Proactivity Is Key To Effective Cybersecurity

Decision-makers across all organisations need to plan for the worst and know what to do when an incident occurs. read more

Featured Promotion: 
SECURITY IT SUMMIT - London 5 November

A unique one-day event that allows senior IT & Cyber security professionals to meet with innovative and competitive suppliers to the industry. Free for IT & Cyber security buyers to attend. read more


Cyber Knowledge The Easy Way Ch.2

Cyber security expert Alfred Rolington explores the hidden parts of the internet, concealed from regular search engines, where criminality in all its forms is flourishing. The second installment is Free to View now. read more



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