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Google's AI Machine To Battle 'Go' Champion

Master of the ancient Asian board game Go will sit down to defend humanity against Deep Mind.


World’s First Wearable Translator

Our most primal myths warn us of the risks of disjointed communications. This is about to change.


US Military Are Doubling Down On Robot Wars

The US military are investing heavily in a new generation of unmanned, autonomous weapons.


Mobile And IOT Technologies Are Inside The Curve Of Human Time.

The leap from human time to computer time has relevance in business today. Opinion By Kevin Benedict


Big Data & Predictive Analytics Can Identify Cyber Risks

Using predictive indicators to detect the unknown risk is incredibly challenging but, properly used, big data can solve big business problems.


Facebook Uses AI To Map People's Homes

Facebook has used its AI tools to identify human-made structures in 20 different countries to find where to deploy internet-beaming drones.


Forget Trident & Welcome To Cyber Warfare

Forget debates about Britain’s nuclear deterrent. New technology means a country can be brought to its knees with the click of a mouse.


Drones Could Fabricate Buildings Using 3D Printing

Swarms of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) will be able to print emergency shelters for survivors of natural disasters, buildings & large structures.


AI Could Leave Half Of The World Unemployed

AI’s economic threat should not be understated. Machines could put half the world’s population out of a job in the next 30 years.


Data Security – The Trends We Do Not See Coming

With the emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Cloud the security industry is going through a time of challenge and re-invention.


NSA AI Technology May Have Targeted Innocents

The NSA has been using a machine-learning program to identify & target terrorists with deadly force, but its methodology may have been wrong.

CyberSecurity Jobsite
Perimeter 81

Directory of Suppliers

Clayden Law

Clayden Law

Clayden Law advise global businesses that buy and sell technology products and services. We are experts in information technology, data privacy and cybersecurity law.



NordLayer is an adaptive network access security solution for modern businesses — from the world’s most trusted cybersecurity brand, Nord Security. 

Resecurity, Inc.

Resecurity, Inc.

Resecurity is a cybersecurity company that delivers a unified platform for endpoint protection, risk management, and cyber threat intelligence.



ZenGRC - the first, easy-to-use, enterprise-grade information security solution for compliance and risk management - offers businesses efficient control tracking, testing, and enforcement.

Perimeter 81 / How to Select the Right ZTNA Solution

Perimeter 81 / How to Select the Right ZTNA Solution

Gartner insights into How to Select the Right ZTNA offering. Download this FREE report for a limited time only.

Celestix Networks

Celestix Networks

Celestix is a global provider of secure network solutions that enable the simple deployment of secure remote access connectivity.

Herjavec Group

Herjavec Group

Herjavec Group's Managed Security Services practice defends your organization from increasingly sophisticated, targeted cybercrime threats.



VdS is an independent safety and security testing institution. Cybersecurity services include standards, audit/assessment and certification for SMEs.



Eustema designs and manages ICT solutions for medium and large organizations.

Radar Cyber Security

Radar Cyber Security

Radar Cyber Security is the only European supplier of Managed Detection & Response who provides its services based on inhouse developed technology.

NXO France

NXO France

NXO is an independent leader in the integration and management of digital workflows with services covering digital infrastructures, communications & collaboration, and security.



Optiv is a market-leading provider of end-to-end cyber security solutions. We help clients plan, build and run successful cyber security programs that achieve business objectives.

Secon Cyber Security

Secon Cyber Security

Secon Cyber Security is an Advanced Managed Security Services Provider with long standing experience of providing cyber security solutions to customers ranging from small to large enterprises.

MVP Tech

MVP Tech

MVP Tech designs and deploys next generation infrastructures where Security and Technology converge.



Char49 specialize in Penetration Testing, Red Team Assessment, Social Engineering and Security Research.



GovernmentCIO was founded with a single purpose: to transform government IT. We are thought leaders in data analytics, machine learning, cybersecurity and IT transformation.

Security & Intelligence Division (SID) - Singapore

Security & Intelligence Division (SID) - Singapore

Security & Intelligence Division (SID) protects Singapore from external threats and safeguards its interests in areas related to terrorism, cyber security, other transnational threats, and geopolitics



Lupovis is an AI-based deception solution that deploys active decoys turning your network from a flock of sheep to a pack of wolves where the hunter becomes the hunted.



CYDEF provides comprehensive, state-of-the-art cybersecurity protection that is accessible and affordable to organizations of any size.

Identity Digital

Identity Digital

Identity Digital simplifies and connects a fragmented online world with domain names and related technologies that allow people and businesses to build, market and own their digital identities.



Borwell delivers software and IT solutions to the UK MoD and to UK Government departments, which are secure by design.