TECHNOLOGY > Key Areas > Artificial Intelligence

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No-Code AI Can Speed Up Business

No-code AI can enable businesses to turn data into actionable insights through predictive analytics in minutes rather than weeks.


US Proposes Legislation To Control AI

President Biden is being advised by experts to establish a “bill of rights" to guard against powerful new Artificial Intelligence technology.


Google’s DeepMind Faces Legal Action Over Data Misuse

DeepMind admits that it concentrated on building tools for clinicians, rather than thinking about protecting the privacy and other needs of patients.


Using Artificial Intelligence To Fight Cancer

AI can help doctors make correct treatment decisions, reduce unnecessary surgeries and help oncologists improve cancer treatment plans.


An AI Can File A Patent Application

Legal Entity: A court in Australia has ruled that Artificial Intelligence systems can be legally recognised as an inventor in patent applications.


AI Reveals Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Factory

Analysts used Artificial IntelIigence tools to analyse geospatial satellite data tracking construction traffic at the Natanz nuclear site in Iran.


AI Tool Promises A Medical Revolution

Accelerating Research: A new Artificial Intelligence tool called AlphaFold can correctly predict the 3D structure of 98 percent of human proteins.


Data Privacy Is Key To The Technology Battle With China

The US wants to establish international privacy-protection standards to counter the proliferation of powerful new technologies dominated by China.


Military Intelligence: British Army Operation Using AI

British armed forces will increasingly use AI to predict adversaries’ behaviour, reconnaissance and relay real-time intelligence from the battlefield.


IBM Watson In Demand

IBM Watson's 'AI-for-Hire' service is poised to grow 30%, driven by Healthcare and Financial Services customers looking for real time data processing.


Artificial Intelligence Is Being Badly Used In Cyber Security

With many more enterprises using AI technology, it’s time to analyse the possible negative impacts of AI's implementation in cyber security.

CyberSecurity Jobsite
Perimeter 81

Directory of Suppliers

XYPRO Technology

XYPRO Technology

XYPRO is the market leader in HPE Non-Stop Security, Risk Management and Compliance.



Locklizard provides PDF DRM software that protects PDF documents from unauthorized access and misuse. Share and sell documents securely - prevent document leakage, sharing and piracy.



Alvacomm offers holistic VIP cybersecurity services, providing comprehensive protection against cyber threats. Our solutions include risk assessment, threat detection, incident response.

Cyber Security Supplier Directory

Cyber Security Supplier Directory

Our Supplier Directory lists 6,000+ specialist cyber security service providers in 128 countries worldwide. IS YOUR ORGANISATION LISTED?



NordLayer is an adaptive network access security solution for modern businesses — from the world’s most trusted cybersecurity brand, Nord Security. 



Logicalis are a leading provider of global IT solutions and managed services.

Engage Black

Engage Black

Engage Black provides solutions for securing and protecting cryptographic keys, data at rest, and data in motion.

Green Hills Software

Green Hills Software

Green Hills Software is the largest independent vendor of embedded secure software solutions for applications including the Internet of Things.

Genie Networks

Genie Networks

Genie Networks is a leading technology company providing networking and security solutions for optimizing the performance of large networks.

Cybersecurity Tech Accord

Cybersecurity Tech Accord

The Cybersecurity Tech Accord promotes a safer online world by fostering collaboration among global technology companies.

Matias Consulting Group (MCG)

Matias Consulting Group (MCG)

Your Business needs competitive and resilient ICT solutions. MCG defines, deploy & support them enabling you to focus on your core business.

Maximus Consulting (MX)

Maximus Consulting (MX)

Maximus designs and delivers corporate-wide information security management system with our full-time IRCA Accredited consulting team.



eCosCentric provides software development solutions for the IoT, M2M & embedded systems market.

Carve Systems

Carve Systems

Carve Systems was founded to bring enterprise level information security, training, and risk management services to organizations of any size and industry.



Belcan is a global supplier of engineering, manufacturing & supply chain, workforce and government IT solutions to customers in the aerospace, defense, automotive, industrial, and private sector.



SecurIT360 is a full-service specialized Cyber Security and Compliance consulting firm.

Alpha Mountain AI (alphaMountain)

Alpha Mountain AI (alphaMountain)

alphaMountain provides up-to-date domain and IP intelligence for cybersecurity investigational and protection platforms.

Axiata Digital Labs

Axiata Digital Labs

Axiata Digital Labs is the technology hub of Axiata Group Berhad Malaysia which is one of the leading groups in telecommunication in Asia.

National Cybersecurity Alliance

National Cybersecurity Alliance

The National Cybersecurity Alliance is a non-profit organization on a mission to create a more secure, interconnected world.

EPAM Systems

EPAM Systems

Since 1993, EPAM Systems has leveraged its advanced software engineering heritage to become a leading global digital transformation services provider.



Dispel makes the fastest secure remote access for industrial networks. Built by operators for operators: a zero trust engine for your entire OT, IoT, and xIoT stack.