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Nine Million EasyJet Customers Hacked

British budget airline EasyJet admits that customer data, email addresses and travel details of 9 million customers have been hacked & stolen.


Marriott Hotels - Millions Hacked Again

Careless: After the first incident in 2018 Marriott says it has now lost personal data for as many as 5.2 million guests in a second giant breach.


Container Shipping Gets A Cyber Security Mandate

Detailed guidance is released to ship-owners and sea-going vessels to get them ready for new international maritime cyber security rules.


New Guidelines For Maritime Cyber Security

Cyber attacks on maritime freight may result in severe operational failures and new guidelines aim to contain threats from phishing emails & malware.


Cyber Criminals Target UK Motorists

The British Driver & Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) warn of a 20% year-on-year surge in attempted online fraud targeting motorists.


Poor Cyber Resilience In Aviation

Only 3 out of 100 of the world's largest airports are secure against cyber security risks like vulnerable data and misconfigured applications.


5G Will Reduce Car Accidents

Connected car systems with 5G will enable data sharing to improve the effectiveness of advanced driver assistance systems and to save lives.


New York’s Albany Airport Pays Ransom

Albany County Airport Authority has given in and paid the ransom demanded to release its systems from a crippling Sodinokibi malware attack.


Travelex Ransom Demand Is Doubled

Pay £6m: Hackers double down on their ransom demand to restart the financial services business' systems as the shutdown enters a third week.


Cyber Criminals Demand Ransom From Travelex

Hackers are holding foreign exchange company Travelex to ransom after a cyber-attack forced the firm to turn off all computer systems for 4 days.


Malware Is Stealing Hotel Guest Data

RevengeHotels is a targeted cybercrime malware campaign against hotels, hostels, hospitality and tourism companies.

CyberSecurity Jobsite
Perimeter 81

Directory of Suppliers



ZenGRC - the first, easy-to-use, enterprise-grade information security solution for compliance and risk management - offers businesses efficient control tracking, testing, and enforcement.



Alvacomm offers holistic VIP cybersecurity services, providing comprehensive protection against cyber threats. Our solutions include risk assessment, threat detection, incident response.



BackupVault is a leading provider of automatic cloud backup and critical data protection against ransomware, insider attacks and hackers for businesses and organisations worldwide.



Locklizard provides PDF DRM software that protects PDF documents from unauthorized access and misuse. Share and sell documents securely - prevent document leakage, sharing and piracy.

Resecurity, Inc.

Resecurity, Inc.

Resecurity is a cybersecurity company that delivers a unified platform for endpoint protection, risk management, and cyber threat intelligence.

Arcitura Education

Arcitura Education

Arcitura is a leading global provider of progressive, vendor-neutral IT training and certification programs.

Mobile Guroo

Mobile Guroo

Mobile Guroo is a strategy and systems integrator for Enterprise Mobility Management projects.

Phoenix Contact Cyber Security

Phoenix Contact Cyber Security

Phoenix Contact Cyber Security is a leading manufacturer of network security appliances for use in industrial environments.

International Conference on Information Systems Security & Privacy (ICISSP)

International Conference on Information Systems Security & Privacy (ICISSP)

The ICISSP event is a meeting point for researchers and practitioners to address security and privacy challenges concerning information systems.



MNCERT/CC is the national Computer Emergency Response Team for Mongolia.

CERT Tonga

CERT Tonga

CERT Tonga is the national Computer Emergency Response Team for Tonga.



TruNarrative provides a unified solution for Identity Verification, Fraud Detection, eKYC, Risk Assessment, AML Compliance and Account Monitoring.

Sadoff E-Recycling & Data Destruction

Sadoff E-Recycling & Data Destruction

Sadoff E-Recycling and Data Destruction protect the environment and your data with proven and trusted electronics recycling and data destruction services.

Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification Center of Excellence (CMMC COE)

Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification Center of Excellence (CMMC COE)

CMMC COE is an IT-AAC sponsored public–private partnership that will be the focal point for entities seeking to achieve Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification.



Phished is an AI-driven platform that focuses on the human side of cybersecurity. By combining fully automated training software with personalised, realistic simulations of cyberattacks.

Buchanan Technologies

Buchanan Technologies

Buchanan Technologies is a leading IT consulting and outsourcing services firm. Our methodology transforms everyday technology investments into streamlined, secure and scalable solutions.



Netox is a comprehensive IT service provider that combines IT support services, IT solutions and specialist services; specializing in cybersecurity solutions.



6WIND deliver virtualized, cloud-native, distributed high performance & secure networking software solutions to support new applications such as 5G, IoT, SD-WAN.

Comcast Technology Solutions (CTS)

Comcast Technology Solutions (CTS)

Comcast Technology Solutions delivers proven technologies for global video, media, communications, data applications, and cybersecurity & compliance.

Minorities in Cybersecurity (MiC)

Minorities in Cybersecurity (MiC)

MiC was developed out of a unique passion to help fill the gap that exists in the support and development of women and minority leaders in the cybersecurity field.



Fortreum aim to simplify cybersecurity in the marketplace to accelerate your business outcomes.